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Dedication: St Michael

Denomination: Anglican

Photography: John Ball
Date: 27 August 1998
Camera: Agfa ePhoto307 digital

Notes: Constructed of rubble stone with pink stone dressing. Single-roofed nave and chancel, both probably 14th century. Tower of Carmarthenshire type plan, 14th-15th century. Nave and aisle divided by 15th century five-bay arcade of octagonal piers. The first pier of this arcade is unusually designed to hold inset 13th-14th century decagonal font and shaft. Parts of 17th century collar truss roof in the nave still survive but much of the roof dates from the early 20th century restoration. 15th century wagon roof to south aisle. Stained glass 19th-20th century. [Source: CADW listed buildings database, quoted on Coflein website] The church houses a number of important wall paintings dating from 1724, controversially over-painted in 1986 [see Coflein website]. The paintings are dominated by the Ten Commandments in the south nave. [From: Cilycwm Community Website]

Further details of St Michael's

Image 2:

This old picture postcard of St Michael's is reproduced by kind permission of David James of Howey, Radnorshire, who colourised the original black and white image.

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