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The 'Minecraft Your Museum' Competition invited 6-11 year old learners to use their imaginations to build their dream museum in Minecraft. This competition was launched by Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales during the COVID-19 lockdown period, to encourage creativity and digital skills while pupils were learning at home.

This entry by Gwen Fishpool, Ethan Coombs and Sofia Mahapatra won the 'Highly Commended' prize in the 'Group entry' category. Congratulations Gwen, Ethan and Sofia!

Gwen, Ethan and Sofia's museum description: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a class trip to one of your amazing museums! Attached should be a video of a minecraft museum created by Ethan Coombs, Sofia Mahapatra and myself, Gwen Fishpool. Most of our museum is inspired by National Museum Cardiff, such as our woolly mammoth and art gallery. We have chosen to put in an under the sea exhibit as we especially like the one in National Museum Cardiff as it is very interesting and fun! We have added an art gallery because we especially love the subject at school and were again, inspired by National Museum Cardiff! We have decided to create an auditorium in our minecraft museum because we really miss live shows! There is a pond outside with lots of different types of fish, a dinosaur bones room, a model of an underwater dinosaur, a fish room, a cafe, a library, down to a mining room, a gem room and finishing with the Terranova which is a ship that sailed Scotts expedition to Antartica from Cardiff.

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