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New Quay Bird & Wildlife Hospital was set up by Alan And Jean Bryant in the early 1970's to clean, treat and rehabilitate oiled seabirds.

Since its beginnings, New Quay Bird and Wildlife Hospital developed to care for a larger range of birds, as well as seals, otters, badgers and dolphins.

In 1975 New Quay Bird and Wildlife Hospital received the Prince of Wales Award; and in 1993 it received the Lord Erskine Award.

Here we present a leaflet produced to provide information about the Hospital, at some point after 1993.

Description of photos: Pages of the Leaflet discussed above.


Copyright Statement: We endeavoured to discover the creator of this leaflet however, despite research, were unable to do so. We note that New Quay Bird & Wildlife Hospital has been closed for some time, and the owners have both unfortunately passed away.

The leaflet was passed on to by a contact of one of our Living Seas Volunteers, whom felt that "the couple (the Bryant's) would be really pleased to see the memory of their endeavours living on".

We kindly request that anyone with information regarding the item contacts the Living Seas Team. Anyone believing that they are the rights holder should follow the ‘notice and take-down’ policy (below).

Thank you.

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