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Laura Evans is the Living Seas Wales Project Officer for the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales. Whilst carrying out a beach clean in December 2020, alongside a Living Seas Wales Volunteer, Laura came across a rather unusual find along the strandline. Laura recalls the find below: “On Thursday 10th December 2020 myself and Rosie, a Living Seas volunteer, headed to Cei Bach beach to conduct a beach clean. We walked along the strandline collecting litter that had been washed up along with seaweed and other natural treasures. We found over 100 mermaids’ purses, dog whelk eggs, goose barnacles, various shells and two dead dogfish. After about half an hour I spotted a large, dead fish resting on top of a pile of seaweed. It was in fairly good condition so it couldn’t have been dead for long. I was very excited because I thought it could be a triggerfish so I sent a photo to my colleague Dr Sarah Perry and she confirmed that it was!” Description of photos: 1) Photo of a dead Triggerfish. 2) Photo of a dead Triggerfish, focussing on the teeth.

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