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Bay of Life Originally launched in 2006, The Bay of Life captures the vibrant biodiversity of Cardigan Bay and includes the first ever underwater filming of its famous family of bottlenose dolphins and the ‘super-pod’ of common dolphin’s footage which featured on international news in 2005. Cardigan Bay is a rich haven for a spectacular array of wildlife including resident bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic grey seals, and harbour porpoise. There are also important nesting cliffs where colonies of razorbills, guillemots and kittiwakes live. Summer visitors to the bay include huge basking sharks, smaller sunfish and jellyfish. There are also a wide range of plant species growing on the beach and beneath the waves forming the first step in a range of food chains. While providing general information this film was original produced as an educational film and at the time of original publishing (2005/2006) was suitable for: • KS 2 Science (Yr 6) • KS 3 Science & Geography • GCSE Media Studies • KS 2 & 3 PSE This resource was supported by a grant from the Countryside Council for Wales and the Welsh Assembly Government. This film was made by Small World Productions for the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre (CBMWC).

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