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Page 1:
Witness notes
William Jones

Reg. vs Ebenezer Williams

James Jones of Newport Tyler &
Plasterer knows the Pris[one]r Has
know him these twelve years
he is a Tyler & Plasterer He keeps
the Prince of Wales near the Salutation
Beer House called The Prince

I believe him to be a Chartist

I heard he had a meeting of
Chartists on Sunday Evening
at his House. I heard the Servant
girl say Her master (the Pris[oner] ?)
had built a new Chartist Lodge
but I do not think it is of any
use now I do not know the
girl by name.
William Jones I know Ebenezer
Williams & have known
him these 6 years He has
done work for me. He lives

Page 2:
Witness notes
Charles Groves lives at Newport
Pentonville have attended Chartists
Clubs I saw /the Club/ Money paid to
___/Charles/ Waters at the meetings
Waters has been committed
& was at [?] S... Brights down
on the moor about 4 miles
from Newport /on Sunday 9th Nov last
about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning /
When I came / back I was taken into
Custody /about 4 or 5 in the morning
I have seen Henry Frost in the
Chartists Club Room as Ebenezer
Williams/ the prisoner lives by
the Salutation & / I went twice
to the Club when Vincent
was here and once or
twice afterwards I only
paid 2d..the whole time
had a Ticket
when Vincent was here
but have lost it I have

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Page 3:
Witness notes
not had one since

Charles Grove

Maria Sackett servant to Ebenezer / Williams
of the Prince of Wales /Beer House/ near
~I have lived afortnight tomorrow ~
~with E Williams
The Salutation ^ my master has a large
Room they have it for a Chartists
Room I have seen a meeting held
there last Friday week The
room was full I should think
there must have been
A Hundred. I did not go into
the room. I heard them cheering
several times I went to listen
at the stairs and my master
called me away. I saw the
men go upstairs one by one
into the room but I did not
/know/any of them except Charles
Waters and a little Boy. I gave
Chas Waters 3 /Brass/ Candle sticks
He asked me to light a fire I
told him it was lighted He

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Page 4:
Witness notes
said he expected a few friends
that night then Waters came
My Master he beckoned Waters
up into the Room to shew
him the new Benches-. Waters
said he was much obliged
There was a small box of paper
in the Room which was
taken away Friday night
The /Men/ began to come about 1/2
p- 6 and remained about
one hour & half My master
was sitting in the Room down
stairs & said I will go up
stairs and see what the Chartists
are making such a noise
about. He laughed I went
halfway up the stairs I heard
Charles Waters say /some thing/
but what I cannot say
I have seen a /Copy of a/ Receipt for the Rent
paid for the use of the Room I think they
paid £16 a year for it. I heard my Master say
last Sunday night he was sorry he let out the room
that the Chartists were a set of vagabonds ~
~Maria Sackett

[Text additions 'above the line' have been indicated by / ]

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