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Page 1:
[top right corner] 32
Agst Charles Waters & Z Williams

John Davies Saddler
Gelly have[*] about 1/2 p/ast/ 5 O'clock
in the mor-ng of Monday 4th Novr
Inst.There were from 6 to 8
persons togr at the Welsh Oak
There was a Man in there with
a double Barrel Gun with
a Belt round his Middle
with 3 leather Sockets with 3
Pistols one in front the other
two on either side. He was
talking to some whom I do
not know. He stood up & drew
_______out of his Belt
2 pistols ^ one in each hand
He said with the right Here
____________with the other had
is one for Tom Gagg and ^ one
for Tom Phillips this
man had a Cloak in this
manner up around his
neck. There was Scotch
Plaid lining or the
Cloak was Sc[ot]ch Plaid

[*Gelly haf]

Page 2:
He was rather Pale with dark
Eyes a hollow between his Eyes
from 30 to 34
^ __ and very fair hands
for I saw him loading
the double Barrel Gun and
he could not get the Ramrod
________another Man
out and ^ put it to his Mouth
to draw it out with his
Teeth I saw him put
one bullet into his Gun
he had the double Gun
under his Arm when
he produced the Pistols
and spoke about Tom
Gagg & Tom Phillips
I asked one or two Men
who ^ was the man with the
Gun & Pistols were and
he said It was a Man
from Newport The Cloak

Page 3:
had a clasp round in front
of the neck. He had on a black
Hat rather narrow I think
On Sunday the Nov I was at
home all day with my Wife
& Family. I did hear a great
noise of Men of coming &
bawling out & they did
say that if any Man belongs
to them (the Chartists) or not
_______to the Cefn ty [*]
would not come along ^ wod
stand in consequence of their
life when they wod return
the foll-g Even-g I consulted
with my Wife what to do
She told me to go some p-t of the way
___________my being
owing to [?] always ag-st
The Chartists I came down
with ^ them This side of the Cefn
& crossed the fields & got away
I saw Zephaniah Williams
by the Welsh Oak about 6 in
the mo[rn-]ing He only said to the people
go on & the people went on
I saw nothing with him
[signed] John Davies

[in left margin pencil annotations]
[line 4 ?]Qry 3rd X
[line 21] Z Williams

[* Cefn tyr marchog - Rogerstone]

Page 4:
[across 2nd paper fold]
Chas Walters
Z Williams
John Davis
Gelly have [Gelly haf] [in red ink]
Taken 30 Novr 1839

[at foot]

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