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Page 1:
[encircled in top left margin]
D.4.36. 15.11
[along left margin]
vol. 15
[top right margin]

____________ Cardiff 21 Novr 1839

I herewith send you a prisoner who
acknowledges himself to be Zephaniah Williams -
As he was taken after much search by our
Superintend[e]nt of Police Stockdale I trust he will
have no difficulty in obtaining the advertized
Reward for taking him
___________ I am Gentn
_____________Your obedt Servt
_____________R. Reece
__________________ Mayor of Cardiff

Page 2:
[appearing vertically to left of the page on digital image]
The Mayor of
re Z. Williams
21st Novr 1839

[attached red seal on central fold]
[across central fold:]
The Mayor and Justices of

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