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[top right margin] 65
Reg. v. Z. Williams.

Edward Richards - I am a Collier - I live at
the Blaina - I was at home on Sunday the
3.rd day of November instant - I live in a
House opposite the Prisoner's- I have been a
Chartist -I attended the Chartist meetings
at the Royal Oak - I have always seen
Zephaniah Williams at the meetings when he
was at home-I attended the Lodge Meetings
on Thursday before the Riots - Prisr was
there - he proposed a Great meeting to be
held there on Sunday night & for every one to
come there - & that he would then tell us
what he wanted of us - I went to Prisrs
House - I was there at 6 o`Clock in the Evening -
I heard an Englishman speak - I have
heard he came from Blackwood. He
said "Every one who intends to be a turn-Coat
march out"- but no one did - He then
said that every one who would not come
forward to the Hills with arms, it
would be a very hard case for him -
Prisr acted as Interpreter and told us in
Welsh what was said by the Englishman
- I went home to have some tea - I put some
bread and cheese in my pocket - I went out
to the Mountain with a walking stick in my
hand - I saw a great many people there
with Pikes,Guns and other Weapons- I
saw Prisoner there - I talked with him -
I said what is the use of our being there-
that I thought there would be some

[at foot: Newport Reference Library embossed stamp]
[left margin: the underscored text at lines 22-23, 29-30 also has lines placed alongside in emphasis]

Page 2:
speaking there - He sd he expected the Sirhowy
people over there every moment - He was
walking about from one place to the other -
and that he would go and get as many Steam
trams as he could and as many planks to
put upon them - And that they were to go
down to Newport - to shew them at N//port
that it was their determination to have the
Charter the Law of the Land - that there
would be no shedding blood in the cause -
for every one to take care and not break
the Law and not to take any one's
property nor body - We marched
on down to Ebbw Vale - to the Furnaces -
the Blast was taken off - I said to Prisr
I hope they won't Stop the Work - He
said Let them be stopped to the devil - that
is the fittest for them - I marched on

arm in arm with Daniel Thomas

a Dresser at Nantyglo - I had a pint of

Water at Llanhiddel Foundry - I came

on through Risca - a halt was made at

a House standing between the Tram Road
and the Turnpike Road - I have heard it
was theWelsh Oak - I saw Prisoner there
walking backwards & forwards - with
his hands in his pocket - I didn't
hear him say any thing - I saw a
Chaise standing in the Road - I

remained there for about an hour - We

came on to the Park - I saw John Frost
there and a great number of people there -
nearly all armed - I heard Frost say
to the Men who were on the Bank
to come to the Tram Road - I saw the

[in left margin:
lines 1-12, 21-28 vertical lines placed in emphasis;
lines 34-35 'corroborates [?]Thos Saunder/s'/ ;
lines 24 -25... [?]pri/s/]

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