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[top right margin] 71
9th Jany 1840
Thomas Saunders-further states that the acc[oun]t
given by him in his examination to day of the affair
of £25 is correct & that he is certain Daniel Lewis
will corroborate it - With regard to the meeting of
the female Chartists-Examinant states-About the
___________at 9 Oclock
29th August last^ in the Evening, Daniel Lewis
Edward Marsden - John Davies a Druggist
Wm Lewis Grocer - A Scotchman named [blank]
________whom I had never seen before that day
a Bookseller^ I myself went to Z. Williams
to have some beer- We went into the little parlour
on the left hand side of the frontdoor - We drank
several pints of beer - The Scotchman after a
conversation with Llewellin Williams (Z's Son) about
the female Chartists' club expressed a wish to go into the
_________where they were then assembled
room ^ (before he said those words I was not aware
of such a society) Llewellin said he would speak to his
father - he did so & in a short time afterwards - a
^ woman came out whom I did not know - who said
"if you wish to come in you may" - after some
hesitation the Scotchman & John Davies persuaded
us to come in- As soon as I got in I saw Z Williams
was standing up at the end of the room - we walked
up to him & sat on a Bench then the Scotchman was
placed in the chair to make a speech - I cannot
recollect exactly^all that he said, but I recollect his

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saying he was happy to see so many women there
with children in their arms, assembled in such a
good cause, & all these young women that are here
ought never to get married unless they marry
a Chartist - or words to that effect & as we were
going to leave the room - a woman said - there are
strangers here & you must take care of them & if you
don't give many for us I have some drink you
shall be marked out - I gave a shilling which was
all I had in my pocket - Mr Lewis picked the shilling
up & gave half a crown - the others gave something
as well - I left Z. Williams 's about 1/2 past
10 - to the room above the ^Shop at the Blaina where Lewis
& myself then lived I went to Bed & got up at 1/2
past 2 A. M. I walked to Newport to get up the Goods
we had purchased at Bristol - I returned to Blaina
about 1/2 past 9 that night - I did not find Lewis
at the Shop & went up to a house above Z W's when
where we had our meals. Lewis not being there, I went
to Z W's house - they said he was in the room- I
went in - I found that he had bought a card
before I came in & he told me I had better have
one also - I accordingly had one & he paid 3/- for it -
I did not hear any one speaking - I did not stay
above 10 minutes - I was tired -
I lost that card - & on Sunday night, I bought

[at foot]
Newport Libraries embossed stamp

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a second for myself & one for Lewis in the hope
that I might be better treated than if had not
got one - What I have stated before is correct
_____________________ Thos Saunders

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Reg v Z. Williams

Further statement of
Thomas Saunders

[at foot]

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