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Page 1:
[top right margin] 72
Regina v. Zephaniah Williams

Henry Smith - I am Hallier for James
Samuels and live with him at Lanhiddel -
I was at home on Sunday before the Riots the
third day of November instant - Prisoner
came to my Masters House between 11 & 12
or 12 & 1 o'Clock - at night I was in bed at the
time - I heard a knock at the door and
soon after my Master came and called
me up - I got up and went down Stairs -
I saw a Man sitting in the corner
near the fire place - I am not acquainted
with the Prisoner - I heard my master
call him by the name of Williams - I
think I should know him if I were to
see him again - I heard this man
ask my Master for a Tram - I think
he said " I must have a tram" - and
that he should take it so far as Bassalleg-
He said he wanted a horse too - My
Master then told me to go and get the
Horse ready to go with the Tram -
The Man my Master called Williams was
very wet - I went to the stable across
the Tram Road - I cleaned the Horse a
bit and ^ put the tack upon him - and
hitched him to the Tram - I
took the Horse and tram opposite my
Master's door - I then went into the
House - I went into the House and
told my Master The Horse and Tram
was ready - I saw the man they
called Mr Williams still in the

Page 2:
Corner drying himself - He rose up and
said to three or four other Men who were
in the Kitchen "Come on now"- and
went out and went into the Tram -
The Men followed him and went into
the Tram too - They all sat on the
side of the Tram - there was no Seats
in it - then the Man Williams was
in the tram he said to me go on - I
took the men so far as Tynycwm -
about five or Six Miles - I stopped
at Tynycwm - I saw Williams out
of the tram at this place - I did not
see him get out - He was walking

about - I heard him order the
men down the tram Road & to go in
"two and two" - There were a great
many men at Twynycwm - Some
had Guns - Some Spears - Some
had Sticks - I remained there
for nearly an hour - when I was
coming away I saw Williams
amongst the Men giving orders -
He was Sometimes behind them &
Sometimes before them - Williams
had an Umbrella in his hand -
I came on down to Newport - I saw
Williams again at Tydu - He was
walking with the men - ordering
them on two and two - I
stopped at the machine - I stopped at
the Park before I came to the Machine

[in left margin]
[with vertical marks in emphasis
against lines 8-9, 15-20, 23-24]

Page 3:
I saw a parcel of men in the Park I don`t
think I saw Williams the Prisoner there -
he may have been in amongst them
but I`m not sure I saw him there -
I wont swear I did not see him there -
When I got to the lower Machine I saw
a great number of men going towards
Stow - I took my Horse from the
Tram and went on to the Salutation-
I stopped there looking about a bit -
I saw a great number of the Men returning-
I saw Williams - He passed opposite
the Salutation in the Turnpike,road and
went up towards the Waterloo public
House in the direction of the Park -
I have not seen him since - until
I saw him here this morning -
When I saw him this morning I thought
he was the same Man - He was
darker then than he is now - I
can`t tell whether he had the Same
dress on then that he has on now. I
have no doubt but that the Man
I have seen this morning is the same
Man I saw in my Masters House
and who ordered the tram and
whom I saw on the Road and
heard order the Men to go on in
two and two.
______________The Mark of
_______________Henry Smith
John Rogers

[the left margin has two vertical
lines alongside lines 23-29 of text]

Page 4:
[on second fold of page]
Regina [over this is a large X with a tick in red ink alongside]
Z. Williams

Henry Smith -
Samuels Hallier

Llanhilleth [in red ink]

8 Jany one copy made by
[?] EM
[at foot]

[written along third fold of page/
appearing vertically on digital copy]
Xd E-amd by Mr Geach

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