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[top right hand of page] 77
Reg vs Z.Williams
______ Wm Jones

Ann Thomas Widow of Abraham Thomas
of Coalbrook vale States my Husband
was in the habit of attending meetings
at Z Williams's previous to his death
_________________________ Lodge
he belonged to the Chartists^
____________The Royal Oak Blaina
held at Z. Williams's House ^
It was 5 to 6 weeks before he was killed
that he joined the Club. He used to
go once a week or twice or three times
a month on Wednesdays I remember
the week before the pay. The pay is
always the End of the month. It was
_______________________I saw
7 Weeks last Sunday night ^ my Husband
alive he
^ __went out about 6 O'clock in the
Evening. I heard him wish the Children
good- bye. I was in a bad way about it
I pulled one way he the other but
he would be Master and went
away I called back after
he went out of the Door and
said Aby where are you going
he said he was going on the
Mountain & he started off I went
out after him & took a little Child
I had in my Cloak but I did
lose him in 10 Minutes & I went
back it did rain very hard
He went away in the direction of the
Royal Oak. I saw my Husband

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at the Royal Oak ^ the Sunday
__ he went away about
^ 2 O clock there were a great many
people there my House is only
2 Doors from the Royal Oak
When I went out after my Husband
I went round the Royal Oak & into
the House and asked Mrs Williams
Z Williams's Wife if she had seen
my Husband she said no and
was crying in the Bar - all the
people were gone by that time
When I first went out there
were people going to Chapel
I did not see any persons
with Pikes Guns or any sort
of Weapon. I was at the Meeting
3 or 4 Wednesday nights at Z Williams's
I went to please my Husband, Women
used to go I did hear them talk
about the Charter I heard Z Wlliams
speak at 3 or 4 Meetings about
the Charter and also the old Doctor
(Williams) I once saw John
Frost about 3 months ago making

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a speech to the people at the back of
the Oak. he was standing upon
something I co: d not hear what
he said and went away
My Husband was in want of
nothing He had a good master
in Mr Brewer. My Husband
was always ^ a very wild man

22nd Decr 1839 __The mark of
__________________ X
_________________Ann Thomas

Benjamin Green of Blaina Mason
native of Colne worked for 30 years

I have lodged at the House of Abraham Thomas
about 3 or 4 months

at Bristol ^ I once went with
Abraham Thomas to the Royal
Oak at Blaina kept by Z Williams
There was a Man there whose name
I heard but cannot now recollect
who spoke about the Charter
and said they would have
the Charter and that it was to be
gained I do not recollect
seeing Z Williams there
he may have been. The Sunday night
the men went to Newport I was
at home with my Wife And
Abraham Thomas & his Wife

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Abraham Thomas was trying to
put a lock on a gun but could ~

-there was another gun with a lock on as well
-which Abraham Thomas had

~not do it ^ He asked me if I was
ready to go. He said We were to go
on the Mountain and start at
6 O'clock to meet Frost Zephaniah
Williams & others I said I would
go My Wife said No if you do
I will go too but he shan-t go I said
I would go to be able to get out
of his way. B Thomas was in
& out of the House all day in
& out of Zephaniahs I scarcely
saw him for any time . About
__________of the Even-g
6 O clock I went away
not to be bothered to go with him.
My wife staid at home. When I came
back about 8 O clock when the people
were coming out of the Chapel & he was
___ ~ and the gun with the lock as well
gone ^ Abraham Thomas told me
the week before the Sunday that it wo-d
be better for us all to join the Club to get
the Charter or it would be the worse for us
they said at the meeting that if they could not
get the Charter one way they would another

When I went out about 6 O clock I met many people
going to the Mountain with sticks & guns I did not
observe any Pikes I met a tall Man with a light brown
McIntosh who asked me if I was going out I said I was going
to call a neighbour he said he would wait [?] I told

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