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and got my dinner and got away in the Evening - I saw no
more of the Mob I cant say exactly what time it was
when we got to the Welsh Oak - it was after 12 o Clock
it was very rainy that night We was in the Welsh Oak
because I paid for 3 Pints of Beer myself - I cant say as I
am acquainted with Henry Charles son - I cant say I know
his daughter I had only been there twice before there was a
Young Woman & her Mother in the Cellar tapping a Cask of
Beer the Younger one called The Elder one Mother - she was
an elderly woman We were at the Welsh Oak till daylight,
I know Mr Morgans Machine - I saw the Mob turn up the
lane towards the House where Mr Prothero used to live the
whole of them went up that way - I went up that way to go
to Stow and down to Charles Street I know all the Musket
men and all the Pike men went up that way - I am sure
that all the others went up that way I know Commercial
St I did not see any go up Commercial St I saw Mr
Frost and two other Gentlemen together going up to Stow
that was the last time I saw the prisoner I did not see any
Gun taken from the Waterloo It might be but I did not see
it When we were at the Oak one Williams a Shoemaker
had a pair of pistols which would not go off And I asked
the Landlady for a fork to open the touch hole then I said
these are nice things for a Bulldog and I put them in my
pocket And I gave them to Williams the Shoemaker outside
the door of the the Welsh Oak again When we were at the Oak
it was dark and it rained some of them had Candles
in their Hands and some of them had Lanthorns I am sure
the prisoner was the Man because I spoke to him I spoke
to him at the Three Horse Shoes at Pye Corner he was
standing by the door it was then day light - I went in
and got a glass of Gin I was close to him - I bid him
the time of day and he bid me the time of day - I opened
the Door and went in - I was between 3 & 4 Inches of him
there was another Young Gentleman standing alongside of him
at the door I did not then notice in particular what

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