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Case for Perjury
Henry Charles Son of Henry Charles
_________Quarry man
of the Welsh Oak ^ I was at my
Father's House all day Sunday
I went to Chapel in the Eve-ng
I came back from Chapel about
1/2 p 9 in the Eve-ng When I saw
3 Men come in soon after I came
from Chapel they were Colliers
by their dress. They called for
a Pint of beer. It was very
wet - they were dripping with
wet Sometime afterwards
a large body of Men come in -
They were armed with Guns
Pikes - Swords - Mandrills
in numbers - Sticks I saw
a Man with a belt round
his waist He had a Gun
& a sword in his Hands.
I did not know this Man
I was in the Cellar with
my Sister all the time.

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till the morning about 1/2 past
5 The beer was all out. Thomas
Havard of Blackwood was
there. I heard the people frequently
call out for him. He was very
busy amongst the mob
I heard in the night one man
say to another in a Room
Is Frost there The man
Answered he did not know
The Men went away about
6 in the mor-ng I heard the Men
Say they were going to newport
and be the Owners of the Town
before they came back.
They wanted to press me to go
but I would not. One party
said 'You must go to come
I said stop I must have my
Breakfast first They said look
Sharp & come The next lot came
& said the same & I replied
the same Another lot came


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into the Cellar and
Remained there all night to
protect the Cellar. I came up
again before day light when
I saw the House quite full
of people armed with Guns,
Pikes a Sword
Mandrells & Sticks. The only
persons I saw there was John
Frost of Newport Edward
Edmunds a Son of William
Edmunds of the Greyhound
Frost called for half a Gallon
of Beer before they left the House
which he did not pay for
No one paid for it. I also saw
Ferram a quack Doctor of Blackwood
and Thomas Havard
a Butcher of Blackwood there
When the 3 men first came in,
my Sister shewed me a piece
of Iron about the length of a
Poker not so large & the End very

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Sharp It was not there before
the 3 men came in they must
have brought it in
my Father was upstairs
all the time & my Mother
with me in the Cellar.
The men came running

back from Newport
about 10 O'clock the
Same Morning

Catherin Charles

Reg v Thos Havard
Evidence of Henry Charles
Case for Perjury

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