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William Phillips States - I was on
duty as Special Constable the whole
of Sunday night between Twelve and
One I was sent by Mr Homan Super
intendent of Police with other special
constables to the House of Evan Edwards
to see if he was casting Bullets
or melting lead accordingly I went
to the House of Evan Edwards Watch
and Clock maker he refused to let us
in and asked me what I wanted
he looked out of the Window upstairs
and asked if I intended to injure
him I said no I did not I only
wanted to speak to him he would
not open the door I returned to Mr
Homan who again sent me back
to the House of Edwards to obtain
admission I returned to his house
between Two and Three I knocked
and found he was still up he went
upstairs and asked me through the
Window what I wanted I told him
I wished to speak to him about the
Rules of a Lodge to which he belonged

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he said if I would promise not to
do anything to him he would let me
in in a few minutes he did so and
other Constables followed me in I asked
him where the Bullets were he had been
making he said been making none
I took the candle out of the shop and
went into the Kitchen I found lead drop
ped about near the fire place also a
Ball which I now produce it was warm
and not finished I asked him for the
Mould he then gave it me I asked
him for the Bullets he had made
he said he had made but Twelve
and desired his Servant to go up Stair
and bring them down I asked him
who he made them for he said for
the Chartists against their return from
Newport. The Bullets now produced
are the same.
___________Wm Phillips

Can you bring forward any person to prove that I
made the bulletts agst the Chartists return from

[r. margin]
Rega v Evan Edwards

[l. margin]

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