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Page 1:

Monmouthshire }
To Wit }
To the Constables of the said County
of Monmouth and to each and every
of them -
Whereas complaint and inform
ation hath been made before me the undersigned
one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in
and for the said County that George Beach
of Argoed in the Parish of Bedwellty Shoemaker -
Aron Smallcomb of the same Parish and County
_________________[*]Joseph Coules
aforesaid Collier and - a Collier residing at
the house of John Seldon at Argoed Billy generally
called Billy John Llewellyn of Havodris glog in the
said Parish of Bedwellty living with his father
a farmer at Havodrisglog Job Harries of Argoed
aforesaid Collier and Thomas Edwards of Bedwellty
Collier and Evan Jones of Argoed Quarry Man, did
on Sunday the 3rd of November Instant at
the Parish of Bedwellty aforesaid riotously
and tumultuously assemble together and did
then and there unlawfully assault one John
Walters against the Peace of our Sovereign
Lady the queen - There or therefore to require
you to apprehend the said several Parties
above named personally to appear before me or some
_____________________of the Peace
other of Her Majesty's Justices ^ acting in and for the
said County to answer to the said information
and Complaint herein fail you not Given
under my hand and seal 22nd. day of November

Summon as
John Walters & Elizabeth Walters
Isaac Jenkins & Elender his Wife
Edward Williams Mason Argoed
John Smith Collier Waterloo Edmd Williams
James Walters of Argoed
James Walters

[*add pencil annotation]

Newport Public Reference Libraries
[l. margin]
Vol. 7

Page 2:
[across 2nd fold of page]

Depo Mr Llewellin



[across 3rd fold of page]

Joseph Coules

Job Harris

Evan Jones

Saml Beacham

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