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Regina v John Lewis Llewellyn

The Queen
Llewellin -

Mr. George Essex will prove he was present at a
Meeting of Chartists held at the King's Head Public House
in Pontypool on the [blank] day of April last - William
Jones Watchmaker now a prisoner on a charge of High
Treason was chairman at such meeting - that the meeting
was addressed in a most inflammatory manner by
William Edwards of Newport Baker - now undergoing
imprisonment for Sedition - that - Llewellin was
present at such meeting - that in the speech - Edwards
said " Every Whig and Tory ought to have a tenpenny
nail driven through his bloody heart to a platform" -
After Edwards had finished his speech the witness entered
into conversation with some persons at the end of
the room - and was declaring his opposition to the
principles there promulgated - - Llewellin who
stood on one side listening and whose person was not
then known to the witness - requested the witness if he
had anything to say against the Chartists to go up to the
table and answer Edwards . witness then said to
Llewellin " I suppose you are a Chartist?" he replied
"I am" - witness then said "A pretty sort of liberty you
"want, you have the word on your lips - but you are the
"worst of tyrants in your hearts - hear the description of your
"liberty tonight - A tenpenny nail you would drive through
"the bloody hearts of every whig and Tory - that is of every one
"who is not a Chartist" - Llewellin replied "It would
serve them right and they richly deserve it " - a woman


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whispered in witnesses ear - that there were some bad
characters around and perhaps would do him some
personal violence - and witness then left the room -
Witness attended another Chartist meeting on [blank]
day of April last - Edwards and Vincent spoke out of a
Beer House window kept by Richard Probyn - doesnt
recollect anything particular taking place at that meeting
but saw Llewellin there - Witness attended another
Chartist meeting on [blank] day of April last held in
the same place as the last mentioned - Edwards asked
the meeting for some time - and at last said " I will not detain
"you my friends much longer as my little Captain will address
"you and explain every thing to you much better than I can -
"he is a good little fellow and his heart and soul is in the
"cause" - Vincent appeared and addressed the meeting -
amongst other things he said "I am about going to London
"to the Convention there I shall meet Baillie Craig from
"Scotland and others from the east-west-north & south
"Baillie Craig will bring the hearts and determination of
"the men of the north with him - and shall I take the
"hearts and determination of the men of South Wales with
"me"? "You shall - you shall" was shouted out by the Chartists
assembled - witness stood near Llewellin in the street
and heard him give the first response "You shall"-
which was immediately followed by the other people -
Vincent continued - " I shall join them to the men of Bristol -
and then to the men of Bath and then to the men of
Wiltshire - and then to the men of London - where I shall
meet Baillie Craig and there we will join the hearts and


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