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Page 1:


Ponty Pool Dec/r 19th. 1839.

Mr Geo. Essex of this town can
give important testimony in the case
of Llewellyn in respect of the language
used at the Meetings of the 20th and 24th
of April both of which Meetings the
prisoner is present (I am obliged
to you for your last letter and
I have prevailed of the Magistrates
to send for Llewellyn's servant and
She will be examined by them on
on Monday next - when no doubt
important evidence will be elicited
I therefore hope that you will
su-p Mr Essex

Newport Public Reference Libraries
[l. margin]
Vol 7

Page 2:

Howard the attorney for Shellard and
Soloman Brittain is making very great
exertions to save his clients.
In favour of Shellard he is getting
a "petition" to the Judge in favor of
his Character and it also sets forth
that Memorialist believe that if
Shellard should be permitted to return
to the neighbourhood he would be a
peaceable Citizen -

For Brittain he is getting up an
"alibi" and he already obtained
a great number of depositions.
However we are trying all in our
power to prevent his having it
all his own way -

I am Sir
your most obedient St
D. Jones

Page 3:

If there is anything to be done in this
neighbourhood I should be very
happy to give every assistance in
my power (D J )

Newport Public Reference Libraries

Page 4:
Pontypool Decr ^19th
David Jones Esq


Newport Monmouth
Penny Post

W.T.H. Phelps Esq

&c ...


[seal mark]


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