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Evan Jones being Cautioned States
I have nothing to say. -

William John Llewellin being Cautioned
States . - George Beech sent me to
the House, I tell him I would not
go there he catched hold of me and
said, you must go otherwise I will
put this in your Heart, I did go
in and there was a Pike or a Gun
before Mr Walters and I did tell
him Walters came out and then
Mrs Walters turned round and said
to me Billy you hold your tongue
and go out, and I did hold my
tongue and go out, and there was
a man lay hold of me & say to
me, you be going to run away,
you dont like the Tories, and
then he did ask me, where is my
Card, and I got no Card, then

Newport Public Reference Libraries

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he Said you be like a Gentleman
I Suppose - then he was took me
away with him - & then I did
run away in abercarne - I got
no more to say . -
The Mark X of
Wm. John Llewellin

Taken before us
Geo. Hall
Octavius Morgan
James Coles
Saml. Homfray

Job Harris being duly Cautioned
Says - I have so much as this to say,
I was standing about five yards
from the Door, when the Door bolt
in & then Sir I did make so hard
as I Could to go to the Door Sir, ~
because I was afraid they would
do something to my Neighbour, because
he was so Cross always to the Chartists
then I go in and ask him him "do
you Come with me Mr Walters" and

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but let the people hurt you and, no
indeed says he,and then I turned
out and cried out by the Door
for I was very low -
The Mark X of
Job Harris

Taken before us
Geo. Hall
Octavius Morgan
James Coles
Saml. Homfray

Joseph Coles being Cautioned says
I never joined the Chartists before the
Saturday Evening before the
Sunday. - I was going home from
my Pay, I met some people on
the road and they asked me if I
was a Chartist, & I said no, - they
asked me if I would join the
Chartists and I said no, - thee
hast better join or thee should not
Work here, - then I went to the
Lodge, and I throwed a Shilling
in the Plate, and I came out of
that room George Beech was

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Making a Speech in the other room
I could not understand what he
did say, because it was in Welsh,
I heard him say in English, that
you must all get your Arms
Prepared for to morrow Evening
then I returned out of the Room
& went to my Lodgings, it affected
me so much, that I could not eat
but a very little all day on Sunday
I was in Bed very near all
day on Sunday - I did get up
to try to eat my Meals but I
could eat but very little, about
6 o'Clock two of them come into
the House, and asked me if I
would Come & I told them that
was very poorly and was not able,
they fetched me out, with me
under their arms and straight
they took me down to Walters
House, and George Beech broke
the Door open with a Stone,
and he told me to go in to fetch that
man out Sir, I told him

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