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31 [In top right corner of page]

to the Westgate at Newport - with my Master (Stephens) and
John Gibby - I had not made any Statement before - I was
asked if I had anything to say against John Gibby - I was asked
by this Gentleman (meaning Mr. Phelps) I had not been asked
before at the Workhouse by a police officer or anyone else - I was then
sent to Gaol but not for making difference in my statement - I
now give my Statement because I am on Oath - that Gentleman
(Mr.. Phelps, yesterday did not tell me I was to give evidence - what
I said yesterday in the Gaol was taken down - I did not know
for what use until I came here to day - I was absent from -
home for a fortnight - John Gibby told me to go off with him -
Gibby told me to go for fear I should be taken - I went and came-
back by myself - when Jenkin Morgan came to the Shop -
and asked him to make a spear for him my Master said he would -
and I saw him make it, but I did not see him deliver it to Morgan -
I was not had in the large rom at the Westgate on Saturday before
the Magistrates - No other person person but this man (Mr Phelps) ever #
questioned me - my Master, Self and Gibby were in the Poor house
at Newport, neither of them asked me not to give evidence against them -
I told my Master if I was called I would give Witness and my Master
said he would do the same thing - I have often made things from a
Pattern that I did not know the use of. -
Edward Brickley X his mark

Thomas Beavan Oliver on his Oath saith - I live at
Newport in Commercial Street
I remember Monday the 4the day of November last - I was acting
as a special constable there on that day - I was at the Westgate Inn on
that morning - something particular occurred that morning between -
nine and ten o'Clock - an armed mob came down Stow Hill and turned
round in front of the Westgate where they halted and commenced an -
attack on the Constables - They came up the Steps leading to the

6 [Encircled, at bottom centre of page]

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