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Page 1:
90 [In top right corner of page]

Margaret Davis Wife of Thomas Davies of Newport

in the County of Monmouth Labourer States

That on the morning of a Monday the 4th November
last about 9 o'Clock
I went from my House in Friars Fields
to Commercial Street and stood
opposite William Williams the Druggist
- for the purpose of ascertaining
the truth of a Report that the Chartists
were come to Newport and also to
seek for my children who had
left my House for the purpose of going to
School - Whilst I was
standing there I saw a great number of men
come down
Charles Street and turn the Corner at the bottom - they
up Commercial Street towards the Westgate - some were
armed with Pikes
some with Guns and others had sticks.
They passed me - I said to
some of them "Take God in your
hearts and turn back-" they went
on I followed them on
the pavement - they were in the Road - I went
so far as
Mr Lloyd's Shop opposite the Westgate - I don't know how

many there were - about a hundred - I saw the other party come
down Stow Hill and join the party that came up Commercial Street
the both parties
turned and faced the Westgate - Whilst I was looking

about for my Children I heard the Windows of the Westgate
dashed in
I also heard firing - I was so much
alarmed on account of my -
Children that I did not look at the
breaking in of the Windows - or at
the men firing -

The mark of


Margaret Davis

I did not see any men go up Charles Street

Page 2:


Benjamin Goold [Gould] &

Joshua Thomas


Evidence of
Margaret Davis

378 [In bottom left corner of central spine]

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