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at his door he beckon'd or made motion to her and he went
in. He then ask'd her if she wanted a card, she said she wanted
to know what was about the Chartists and that she would
give her husbands name if there would be no harm in it
he said there would be none, she gave her husbands name
and he gave her a Card- She asked what it was for and he
told her she had better have one than be without it, it would
keep her without danger - Her Husband afterwards burnt the
Card - it had a number upon it, and she saw Williams write
her husbands name on it - On sunday the 3.rd. Nov.r about 6
o'Clock p m witness and her husband set out for Chapel, got
as far as Williams's house where there was a great number of people
3 or 4 of them came up and dragg'd her husband from her, they
had something in their hands but she cannot say what - Witness was
hurt and returned home and did not see her husband till the
Tuesday Evg following. _______________________Call

To prove that about 4 month ago witness first attended meetings
at the house of the prisoner Zeph Williams the Royal Oak at Coalbrook
Vale - went there because he saw hundreds signing attended
there about 6 times - paid 6d three times to the prisoner on the first
payment prisoner gave him a Card - Witness threw the Card away
about a fortnight ago - it had No 451 on it - they were called Chartist
meetings, witness attended a meeting at prisoners house on sunday
_ 3[r]d
d Novr at 11 a.m. - many people were there - met again at 1 p.m.
prisoner then told them to unite like one body - that those who
did not would be the cause of blood shedding that there would
be a large meeting on the Mountain between 6 and 7 o'Clock
that they were to bring with them arms or anything they
could get - Guns, pikes, or staves, Witness went to the Mountain
between 6 and 7 p.m. took a Gun with him - prisoner had told
them that they need not vex themselves about wives and children
as they would provide for them - witness and others were told what
part of the Mountain the were to go to - Prisoner told them it was
Pen-y-Cae and Nant-y-glo, Pen-y-cae is the same as Ebbw
Vale - saw prisoner and many 100 on the Mountain it was
dark and very wet - some carried pikes - and some staves -

[in l. margin]
q call this Witness

I think he is not to be
depended upon |

[in right margin]
said Rachel

John Davis
of Blaina


[at foot]
Newport Public Reference Libraries

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