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up the Chartists. Witness took the Horse to Richards's beer
House - Witness heard Jones order the Men to collect together
and force as many as they could to be ready by two o'
Clock - Jones told them to Arm and be ready at the Race
Course about 8 P. M. Witness came to William Shellard's
beer House. Witness saw a number of Men enter armed
with Pikes Guns & they were in several rooms Shellard
came there and went into the room where the persons were
Armed he drank and smoked with them, witness stopped
an hour and left Shellard in the House returned in about
an hour and saw Shellard there and the greater part of
the Men armed - Heard Shellard say to them go on
towards the Race course that Jones was gone on with others
that there was a House in Trosnont where there were
Arms two Blunderbusses and two Swords at Parry's the
Farrier in Trosnont - Witness went with a Party towards
the New Inn to the Gate of the Race Course saw about
40 or 50 Men there armed with Pikes & went on a
little further and saw the Prisoner Jones - Witness attempted
to escape but was brought back to the New Inn. The house
was full of armed Men this was about 11 P.M. The Prisoner
came in and ordered the Men to turn out and proceed to
Newport, the Pike Men to go first. They were to march
to Newport in three parties, the Pike Men first, the Guns
next and the rest to follow with what they could get

To Prove That on the 3rd November about 9 P. M. witness
went to the Prisoners House it was crowded - Saw Will m
Shellard there with a number of other Persons - Shellard
asked Witness where his Stick was, Shellard distributed
Beer to the Company and then told them to go down
and he went down and they followed - When they
got into the Street Shellard told Witness of a House in
Trosnont where there were Guns and Pistols to go on
and heave up the Latch of the Door and he would
send a Man to shew him the house. Witness went on

[l. margin]


[r. margin]
James Emery
of Pontypool
Cabinet Maker

William Rousell
of Abersychan


[at foot]
Newport Public Reference Libraries

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