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[top right hand margin:-] 2
Special Commission 1839
[On left hand side of page:-]
A Map and Plan }
are left herewith }

[on right hand side of page:-]
The Queenagainst
John Frost
Charles Walters
John Lovell
Richard Benfield
John Rees
George Turner alias Cole
Zephaniah Williams
Edmund Edmunds
Jenkin Morgan
Solomon Britan
William Jones
James Aust
one otherJohn Rees
David Jones
[written against the above:-]
For High Treason

Brief for the Crown
This indictment was found on the 11th Dec[embe]r 1839.
The Prisoners except the two last who have not been taken were
called into court and informed of it, and that orders would be made for
assigning Counsel when they were ready to name them.

Copies of the Indictment and Jury List were delivered to each on the 12th Dec[embe]r and of the List of Witnesses on the 17th

A copy of the Indictment and of the Abstract thereof is left herewith.

That portion of the County of Monmouthshire which may be denominated
the Hill Country may be considered as forming a triangle of irregular
dimensions - Risca the Southern point being taken as the Vortex, an irregular
line drawn from that point following nearly the course of the Rumney River
as far as the Rumney Upper Furnaces on the North West and another irregular
line skirting the Eastern sides of the Twyn Barllwm and Mynydd-Maen
Mountains and continued Eastward of Pontypool and the range of Mountains
terminating with the Blorenge on the North East will form the two sides, and a
line joining these two sides will be it's base. The area within this triangle

[written in left hand margin:- See Map left herewith]
[centre bottom margin:-] 1

Page 2:
Monmouth Jan[uary] 16.
John Frost has called on
Mr Geach stated that in had Z. Williams
of Christ[ophe]r John No. 132.
there is a man John Christopher 38.
the said name of both is John Christopher
he answers to his name
the summons
It is at most a cause of challenge.
I think there is nothing in the .
Parke B. The Jury case
Robert Currie.
The 1783 the of sum
Perfectly clear the only time for is before the
jury is sworn

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