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To Prove that Witness saw the Prisoner John Lovell coming
from the Waterloo armed with a gun - Some of the mob desired
witness to fall in as they passed and caught hold of him
Witnesses saw Lovell in the month of May at a meeting at
Newport the day that Vincent was apprehended Witness speaks to
Declarations which Lovell made after that Meeting as to the future
actions of the Chartists--------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Edmund Williams of Court y Bella Labourer 17 ]
To Prove that he saw the Prisoner John Lovell with the mob at the
Court y bella Machine the Prisoner asked Witness "Is the Chartists
all dead my boy, what do you think of us now" --------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Francis Morgan Keeper of the Court y Bella Machine 18]
To Prove that Witness saw the Prisoner Lovell passing her house
the 6 Bells on Stow Hill with the mob with a gun in his
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Susan Stephens widow of Newport Publican 18
To Prove that witness saw the Prisoner John Lovell on Stow
Hill marching with the mob with a single barrelled Gun
in his hand - he called to Witness - come with us ---------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Tho[ma]s Dyer late Butler to Mr. Phelps. 18]
To Prove that witness saw the prisoner John Lovell with the
mob opposite the Market Boat public house on Stow Hill
about 20 or 30 yards from the front of the mob with a Gun
on his Shoulder - he said to witness "fall in fall in" In a
very short time after Witness heard firing--------------------- CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Matthew Pembro of Newport, Publican. 19]
To Prove that the witness saw the mob turn round the corner and
come in front of the Westgate - observed a man who appeared to be
leading them speaking to the Prisoner John Lovell who also
appeared to be heading the mob Lovell had a Gun or stick in
his hand- Immediately after that Witness observed Lovell say
something to the mob and upon that the Attack commenced
and firing on the Westgate - the firing was principally directed
to the Room where the soldiers were - Immediately after the prisoner
addressed the mob, he retired into the thick of them ----------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Henry Evans of Newport - Sadler, 20]
To Prove that witness saw the mob come from the direction of
Stow Hill to the Westgate in marching order and armed
The first man in front had a drawn sword in one hand
and a hat in the other - He waived his sword and Hat
and nearly went up to the Westgate Yard Gate then he turned
back with the Mob towards the door of the Westgate - Witness
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Daniel Evans of Newport, Tailor, 21]
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