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quite full, they fired thro (through) the passage. Witness
saw the two prisoners Richard Benfield and John
Rees skulking in the corner of the passage trying to conceal
themselves - Rees had a Spear in his hand the other
had one near him - Witness asked Benfield and Rees
what they wanted there when Lieutenant Gray came
up and Witness took them into Custody into the large
Room where the Soldiers were - Witness didn't keep
the Spears - he is sure the two Prisoner's were not
in the House when the outbreak occurred - they said
nothing - When witness told them they were his
Prisoners and said come this way they came
immediately ---------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Isaac Venn of Newport, Dealer in Marine Stores, 24]

To Prove his being stationed in the room at the Westgate ,
and what passed when the Mob attack'd the House,
and he ordered his detachment, to fire - Speaks to the
Mayor having been twice wounded and Serj[ean]t Dailey
who was by his side being wounded in the Head
After he had Ordered his men to cease firing - Witness
went into a side Room leading from the passage
and found the two prisoners Benfield and Rees
in a corner - Witness ordered them to follow him
and gave them over to his men. Witness saw
nothing in their hands but on searching them a
quantity of Ball Ammunition was found on
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Capt[ai]n Basil Gray of the 75th late Lieu[tenan]t in the 45 foot, 26]

To Prove that he (Witness)was standing at his own
Door opposite the Westgate when the mob came round
the corner - Saw several 100 come round the corner
armed they came to the yard gates and turned back
by order of a person who handled a sword, came to
came to the Westgate door and fired, saw a man with a
wooden leg in the mob during the firing armed
with a gun the Prisoner Turner is to the best of his
knowledge that man, he had on a fustian or flannel
coat or jacket - Saw him fire into the Westgate
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Daniel Evans of Newport - Tailor, 87]

[left hand margin against the above paragraph:- Turner]

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