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went into the long room Prisoner was there and asked
him if he wanted to sign his name to the Chartist
Witness answered it was there already - Prisoner said if
so he had no need to put it again. Witness asked if there
was any money wanted - Prisoner said no there was no
money wanted from anyone he said they were to march
the hill as soon as it was dark he cautioned
witness to meet them and take some sort of weapon with
him that if witness could not find one he would try
to furnish him with one - prisoner directed the persons then
present to meet on the Hill as there were 14000 to be there
and that they should be prepared with weapons of some
sort - He stood on a chair in the long room and addressed
them saying that those who had no weapons should
if possible be furnished with them by him----------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Said Joseph Stockdale, 198]

To Prove that the prisoner Zephaniah Williams lives at the
Royal Oak Coalbrook Vale - that Witness lives near him
attended Chartist Meetings at Prisoner's house - was a Member
there were weekly meetings - there was a meeting on Thursday
night before the Outbreak at 7 p.m. at Prisoners house
many attended - Believes Prisoner was there but is
not sure because at that time Prisoner was from home
very often - there was Company in the house and they
were taking Beer - the Prisoner was there a large meeting
was proposed to be held that Evening in some place yet
unknown a Stranger was there from Blackwood It was
said that he came to let them know when the
meeting was to be held and that it was to be on the
Hill between Ebbw Vale and Nantyglo - The Prisoner
was in the room at the same time with the Stranger
- The Stranger gave them charge to go home fetch bread
and cheese in their pockets and go to the top of the
hills - they met at the hill and went down to Ebbw
Vale - witness walked by the side of the Prisoner - The
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Edw[ar]d Richards of Coalbrook Vale, Collier, 176]

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