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that was the time when he said they were late
the prisoner appeared to be quite low and sat down
by the fire to dry himself - Witnesses house is
15 miles from Newport Witness let Prisoner
have his horse and sent his servant with him
prisoner promised to pay for them - Witness lost
several articles from his House thinks he heard
Prisoner say it was a bad job being so late---------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- said James Samuel, 182]
To Prove that he was called up by his Master James Samuel
between 12 and 1 the house was full when he went down
some had spades - some had Guns - Witness saw
his Master talking to someone sitting near the fire
he called him Mr Williams - Witnesses Master
ordered him to put the Tack on the Horse and bring
it to get the Tram for Mr Williams
Witness got them ready and took them to the House
went in and told his Master - Prisoner was there
and said come on now to the men there Prisoner
got into the Tram with 3 or more others and desired
Witness to go on - They went on to Crumlin and
Hence to Tyrn-y-cross where prisoner got out at a
Public House -Numbers of People came along with
the Tram sometimes before and sometimes behind
they had Guns and spears and some had candles
stopped at Tyrn-y-cross an hour or two - It was light
when they started Witness saw Prisoner at
3 1/2 miles from Newport he was there ordering
the men along 2 and 2 on the Tram road the Men were
then armed - Witness went with the tram as far as the
Machine nearest to Newport left the tram there
and put the horse up at the Salutation. While
waiting there saw the Prisoner turning back
from Newport along the Turnpike road - Heard firing
in Newport before then. Before Witness saw Prisoner turning
back saw many others coming back from Newport they had Guns
and spears. --------------------CALL
[right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Henry Smith, 190]
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