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[top right hand margin:-]34
those who were in the house before him - they were fastening
on these spears there - they were not the same as Witness's
master made for Prisoner - they were fastening them with
two hatchets on sticks 8 or 9 feet long - Witness saw Gibby
there and Prisoner and his Wife, there were other
persons there but Witness did not know them - He did
not see them do anything with the pikes - saw them
go out one after another they had these stick in their
hands and the spears were on them - saw Prisoner go
out, he had one - saw also a Bayonet in the house
saw John go out - Witness went to Prisoners house
because he had met him the day before and told
him to go there - when Witness was at Prisoner's the
Prisoner asked him to go with them, he told Witness
he was going to meet some parties but did not know
who they were - They were to go to Caerleon - we went over
Newport Bridge to go to Caerleon - Witness told Prisoner
that he Witness had no weapon or anything in his
hand to go with them - Witness went, Prisoner told him to
or he should be killed, and Witness went accordingly on
the Caerleon Road Prisoner had a pike with him , Gibby
had another it was one with a socket on - and not
like the one ground at Witness's Master's - they made much
noise when they were putting on the Pikes - when the
Prisoner came to Witness's Master's shop he told his Master
to make a spear for himself the Prisoner-------------------------------------CALL
in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Said Edw[ar]d Brickley 156

TO PROVE that John Gibby a Blacksmith living at Pillgwenlly
worked at Mr Evans's Foundry and Witness worked there
also - that on Wednesday before the Riots to the best of
Witness's opinion Gibby asked Witness to go to another
blacksmith's shop to do a job for him - Witness did not go
that night but went with him the Friday night before the Riot
Gibby asked the Witness to go down to his house to him at half
past 7 o'clock - Win right hand witness went - he was not there at home, he
came home whilst Witness was there, Gibby told Witness to
come along with him - Witness went with him to the shop of
in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- David Herring Blacksmith a Prisoner in Usk Gaol 154

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