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Witness was without a hat or jacket - was conducted to
a large body of which the Prisoner Solmon Britan
was the leader - On their road from Pontypool towards
Newport they pressed several other Men and a Boy.
and constrained them to go along - This was done by
the order of the Prisoner - They halted and advanced at the
command of the Prisoner and in their talk signified that
they were going to take Newport return to Pontypool
and release the Prisoner there, attack the house of the
Lord Lieutenant and afterwards go to Monmouth take
down the goal there and release Vincent and the other
Prisoners that they expected to meet Frost at Newport who
was coming thither to meet them with a great body of
of men from Blackwood----------------------CALL
in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Will[ia]m Watkins Servant to Mr Cross of Pontypool

TO PROVE That sometime after the Mob was repulsed by the
Military - Witness saw the Prisoner Soloman Britan on
Monday morning at Newport at a house Bakehouse
Lane nearly opposite the Roman Catholic Chapel on Stow
Hill between 10 and 11 a.m. - Witness went into the house
to search for arms - asked Britan what he did there - he
said because he was afraid of the Mob - under a
Table near where Britain sat Witness found a Pike and took
possession of it - Britan denied that it was his--------------------CALL
in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Moses Scard of Newport Police Officer 53

TO PROVE that on Monday at the corner of Bakehouse Lane</hi>
he saw the Prisoner coming up Stow hill from the Westgate</place
he was opposite Miss Poulton's House which is about 50
yards down the hill from the place where Witness stood
nearer the Westgate - Prisoner came up to him and
and touched his shoulder as he passed him in Bakehouse Lane
he had a weapon in his hand which Witness believes
was a gun, Prisoner had on a brown Pilot Cloth Coat
with a light Dog's skin collar and a low Hat --------------------CALL
in right hand margin against the above paragraph:- Edw[ar]d Miles Gardener to Mr. Edw[ar]d Hopkins of Newport 159

TO PROVE that witness saw the Prisoner Britan at the Barracks
on Tuesday the 5th Novr (November) in company with 2 others - The Prisoner
asked Witness respecting a person who he supposed was a Prisoner

in left hand margin:- S. Britan

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