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The Examination of Partridge was convened
the next day as follows

Thomas Jones Phillips further examination (being again
Sworn) Frost lives in High Street in the Town of Newport he has
a garden at the back of his house I understand there is a
communication from Frost's house to Pentonville. Frost's house is
about 4 or 500 yards from the back part of the prisoner's house
at Pentonville - By the front it is about 5 or 600 yards - It
was quite as easy for Frost to have gone to his own house as
to the prisoners The printed paper I produce is the Copy of
the Manuscript I compared with the one in the prisoner's possession
- The written alterations in the printed paper are alterations made
to make correspond with the manuscript - This is the paper upon
which a Criminal information was moved for and a rule Nisi
obtained against John Frost last Trinity Term
__________________Thomas Jones Phillips

Isaac Evans (Sworn) Says I am Clerk to Mr Withers - I know
the prisoner John Partridge - I have known him several months
- On the morning of Monday the 4th instant I went to the
Court-y-bella Machine to meet the Chartists - I saw them coming
in a body armed with pikes and Swords - there were a great

number of them there I did not see John Frost there - I
know him - as soon as I saw the Crowd I turned back
towards Newport I met John Partridge between the Machine and
Newport going to meet the Chartists - It was between 2 and
300 yards this side the Machine - I did not see any thing in
his hand - I believe it was between 8 and 9 o'Clock - he was
going alone he said nothing as he passed by I looked after him
and saw him going on - the Chartists were not then in sight - I
went on a little further - I looked and turned back - I saw
the Chartists going up the Lane towards the Friars - I then went
up the Commercial Street and came opposite the West Gate - I
saw them come down Stow Hill and turn round the Corner
of Westgate Inn they entered the front door and began to

[in left margin]
did not see Frost

Newport Public Reference Libraries

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