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the person with whom the Prisoner was talking face to face
when I saw the prisoner load the Pistol, I have no doubt
the Prisoner is the man I saw.
The mark of x John Phillips.

Christopher Kidner sworn I live at Cross-y Cylog at the
Upper Cock - I am a Butcher by trade - I was at home between 7 & 8
o'Clock on Monday morning last the 4th instt A little after that about 8
o'Clock a large number of men came to my house - the Crowd appeared
to me to consist of a great number of persons - they told me that I
must go along with them, one of the men had a Hatchet in his hand, others
had Spears, and another a Gun. I was obliged to go with them, they made
use of threats, and told me If I did not come they wod make me come, and
they put a Spear towards me - I know a person called Jones the Watchmaker of

Pontypool - I have seen him here to day, there he is sitting down, I saw him
that day - the first I saw of him that day was at Malpas - I saw him go into
a Kidly Wink-house at Malpas, that is between Malpas and Newport
I saw him there, I saw him next betn. Crinda and the Malpas Turnpike
Gate, Jones was there present by the Gate, and he said here is the way up
this lane - That lane leads from Malpas Turnpike Gate into the road
that leads from Newport to Risca - they went a good distance along
the road until a Collier came up the Collier came across the fields, and
over the hedge in the direction from Newport - he appeared as is he
had been running the Collier stopped, and they asked him to go along
with them, he said, no, if you had seen what I have seen you would
not go - he said there had been three or four killed, the Prisoner and
another man there said "then we are done" at that time I should think
there were about 2000 persons on the road - the distance from the
place where I saw Jones in the lane to the High Cross is as
near as I can tell a mile and a half - you might go in a mile I
should think it was about 10 o'Clock or a little after when I saw the
Prisoner in the Penylan lane - I then made my escape I then went to
to the Town of Newport, where I have a sister living, some of the people were
armed, some with Guns, some with Spears, some with Bayonets, & all manner
of things - I knew one man who had a Gun - he was Aust the Gardener
at Malpas X I live at the Upper Cock - the people did not

[in left margin]

1st. time saw Jones

at Malpas

Jones met a Collier

learnt defeat

2000 persons


Newport Public Reference Libraries

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