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Tea at 6 o'Clock, some times at 7 - I am not very particular

when, - I usually go to Chapel on Sunday Evenings

I usually take my Tea before I go to Chapel - I did

not go to Chapel on the Evening of last Sunday Week

I heard that the Chartists were coming and that was

the reason I did not take tea till between 7 & 8 o'Clock

I had correct intelligence of what was going to happen, a

person came on the Garn and said so he did not say it to me

but I heard him say that the Chartists were going to meet on

the race course at Pontypool the next morning - That report

first reached my ears about 2 or 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon

I was greatly alarmed it was the alarm that I felt that

prevented me taking tea that night at my usual hour,

I had no special business of my own to attend to, that

put off my Tea Drinking It is my principle not to be a

Chartist, it never paid anything. I never had a Card my

Brother is a Chartist what he said in principle, he is not

a Chartist in practice according to the best of my knowledge

I live with my mother, after I had taken my tea, I

went to my Brother's House and we came back to my

Mothers House, remained until 1 or 2 o'Clock on

Monday morning I did not hear before Monday

morning that one o'Clock on that morning was the hour

at which the Chartists were to assemble who were to go

down to attack Newport, I believe my Brother went

home from my Mother's House. I did not accompany my

Brother home. He went home to the best of my knowledge

I accompanied him to the door of my Mother's House

but not further, we was at my Mother's House to

make our escape from the Chartists we made an attempt

at escaping, we were making Provisions to know where to

when they should come, we were talking about it to go

over the Ceiling, that is what we were talking about

there was a hole in the ceiling of the Closet since the

house was built. I don't know that there were many

persons taken out of their Houses that Night and forced to

59 [encircled]

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