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the Prisoner told me he had a Gun upstairs and that
I must take care as it was loaded - I then went
upstairs and there found the Gun now produced -
there was a Cap on the Gun when I found it - The
Gun was all that I found - the Gun was not concealed
it was standing in an upright position by the side
of the Bed - the Charge that was then in the Gun
has since been taken out of it by a Soldier - there
are two Scratches on the Stock of the Gun by which I
know it.

____________________________Henry Chappell

William Phillips Sworn States I live at Malpass
near Newport I know the Prisoner Aust he is a Gardener
living in the Parish where I live - I employed him
last summer as a Gardener occasionally In
consequence of something I heard I asked him was
he a Chartist what made him a Chartist. I asked
him so knowing him to be well off - he said it
was time for something to be done as the great men
had had it in their hands long enough - I said
to him I hear Aust they are about to pull Mr. Prothero's
house down and Mr. Blewetts or otherwise to turn Mr.
Prothero's house into a poor house - he said I hope
I shall live to see it. I got in a bad way with him
and walked away he never denied he was a Chartist -
I have not employed him since - this was just before
Vincent was taken, he left my work to go to a Meeting it
was in consequence of his leaving my work to go to the Meeting
I spoke to him - it was a Chartist Meeting at Newport
I dont know whether he told me that the Chartists did
not want to destroy property - I dont remember his
saying so.
_____________________________William Phillips

[in left margin]:

71 [encircled]
Newport Public Reference Libraries

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