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James Aust' s Defence

The Prisoner being called upon to make his
Defence and duly cautioned voluntarily stated as follows.
Gentleman - They was about pressing a Neighbour as was coming
to me about 6 o'Clock, as soon as it was light. I mean the parties,
I dont know who they were, I was told so by Davies, he come
knocking at my door and I was not up, and looked out of the
window with my Night Cap on and asked who was there. I
not being up he came again in about half an hour after and
then he informed me that three or four persons had been handling
him very rough on the road because he would not go with them
I told him I did not like to go to Newport as there was so
many coming on the road him and me went on together so far
as the Little Lane leading into the Little Field to his house and
I heard my young Man should say there was four or five
thousand coming down the road. I went from there partly to his
Cottage, he wanted me to go to Breakfast with him then we
heard tremendous cheering and firing at Newport. I think the
cheering was first, it was then about 8 o'Clock, I told him my
wife would be missing of me fearing I would be pressed because
they wanted to press me before. I talked to Davies and asked
him if he would like to go as far as the Horse Shoes. he said
he would rather I would go home to breakfast, and said I had
better go and breakfast with him. I told him I wished Cottage
was where his was, out of the way of so many people carrying such

weapons, then I left him and went up to my Cottage to breakfast,
& while I was at breakfast my wife stood at my Window to shun
me and told some of the persons that I was gone fearing that
they would press me, then they said, No he ant, No he ant, we
do see him, I dont know who they were two of them had hatchets
and 4 or 5 of them came into the house and wanted to take the

Gun, the Gun was up where I always keep him, loaded with
small shot and powder and I said no they shant have the
Gun for I will take it myself if they will allow me, then

72 [encircled]
Newport Public Reference Libraries

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