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I remember something happening in the morning of yesterday week, I
remember a great riot here, it was in the morning part, it was about
breakfast time, I did not go a step out of my house that morning not
a step, the woman of the house whose name is Mary Jones was also
in the House I saw a man with a wounded arm coming into the
house that morning, I was in the room with him when he came
in - there is only one room down stairs, he said nothing when he
came in - I did not know him, Mary Jones did not appear to know
him he was strange to us - In about an hour or more another man
came in I dont know particular, I did not know the second man
that came in. He said nothing only go and ask the young man
with the wounded arm, how he did feel himself - the wounded man
scarcely able to give an answer said "very bad" they did not appear to
know each other as far as I do understand - the second man that
came in sat down, All that happened was the Police Man came in
he asked the second man to let him search his Pockets he did so the
Police man searched that Man I saw the Police man take nothing
but a Card I did not read it but I heard the Policeman say "Ebbw Vale"
he appeared to be reading the Card when he said so, it was a Card
something like the one now produced, the Policeman then went to the
door he had two of the Spears in his hand and the Card, they were
in his hand when he came in, I should not know the man the Police
man took away from the house, I should not know his Clothes I could
not tell punctual the prisoner is the man
________________________Margaret Jones

The Prisoner being called upon for his defence and duly cautioned states
as follows I belong to Sirhowy works, I was pressed, I was in the house
and I could hear a great deal of noise about the road, then I runned out
of the house, then I tried to make my way from them, then I went on
about 4 miles I suppose, then there was a lot of people before me, I could
hear them talking and then when I heard them a talking then I
could hear another lot coming after me or after the others I could not
tell where they was going I was betwixt them then they hallowed and
hallow who is there, and then they asked me my name and asked me
where I was going then I told them as I was going down to my father's

84 [encircled]

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