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great deal of Powder. I said to him the Powder used to
be down at Pill in the Powder House, but that there
was none there then He said as Frost and his men
thousands and thousands were coming down that morning
they was coming to the Stow to attack the Soldiers to
the Poor house - he said it would be a Charter Law
before Day light - and they would take the whole
Town, and through the whole Kingdom - He
said Frost and his Men was to attack the Soldiers,
the Prisoner and his Men was to do nothing but to
protect that Warehouse where the Powder was of Mr
Crossfield 's and to keep it for the Chartists - He said
Frost and his Men were to come down at two o'Clock in

the morning of Monday the 4th November - I went,
with the Prisoner the other side of the Bridge into
field between the Chepstow and Caerleon Road - he
said I should have plenty of Ammunition when Frost
came down - When I got into the field, the Captain,
I mean Jenkin Morgan, and his Men was standing
there, and I too - we was there about 12 on Sunday night
I suppose - He said it was thro' Ireland, Scotland, and
every where at the same moment - he said the Charter will
be the Law of the Land after that night, and every man
have joined with them and did not come, them would be
the first men that would be killed by them - he said
if I was to meet any one on the road, I was to say
"Beans" and if it was a friend of the Chartists he was to
say "Well" I saw nothing more there on the field - if
the person we met did not say "Well" we was to do what
we liked with that person - he was no friend to us - After
they had attacked the Soldiers, they was to take their
Arms from them, and if they would not give them

up in a peaceable time, they were to Kill them all
If they beat the Soldiers, they was to rule the Town
themselves and no one else - He told me what Signal
Frost was to give when he came to the Stow - the signal

112 [encircled]

[Annotations in left margin:]

Frost coming


waiting Jenkin

Capn & Men

in the field

at 12 at night

deserters to be killed

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