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I must go with them to the Black Wood to meet Mr
Frost at the Coach & Horses the Coach & Horses is kept
by Richard Pugh I was compelled to go with them at
the Coach & Horses I saw Mr. Frost and another Man
with him that man was a Stranger to me, he had to
the best of my knowledge as well as I could tell by
the light of the Candle and Lanthorn a light Drab Coat
a cased hat and a red cravat round his neck - there
were a considerable number of men present Mr. Frost
advanced up the Black Wood about 30 yards and said
that he would scour the Black Wood first then there was
some of the people said they would rather not for it to
be scoured, it was not then scoured I dont know
what happened after not by that party whatever -
Mr. Frost desired us to follow him to the Cefn - When
we got to the Road turning towards Abercarne, some
turned the Road towards Abercarne and the others continued
along the Tram Road He said That Zephaniah
Williams with about 5000 men would meet us at the
Cefn - he said Jones of Pontypool was to meet him with
about 2000 I next saw Mr Frost at Pye Corner on the
way down from BlackWood to Pye Corner we met a man
on Horseback with a Candle and Lanthorn in his hand
it was near Mr Cross' house , he told us to proceed on
that Mr Frost was there with a Body of men waiting
for us Some made a remark that what was the good
of going there without arms, the persons returned with an
answer that there was plenty of Guns Bayonets and
ammunition there = at Pye Corner I heard Mr Frost order
the Guns to the front to prove them, he ordered the pikes
on next I ran up to Mr Frost and said to him in the
name of God what are you going to do are you going
to attack any person or place, he said yes that they would
attack Newport and take it He said he would blow
down the Bridge to Stop the Welsh Mail proceeding to

Birmingham he said there would be Delegates at

[Annotations in left margin:]

Xd man with a

glazed hat there

(omit what he said )

next saw F[rost] at

Pye Corner

Frosts decl-an

at Pye Corner
[with vertical marks at lines:
1-6, 10-13, 15-16, 19-21, 31-36]

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