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Regina v Benjamin Richards

John Cullimore - being Sworn States - I live at Tredegar and am a
Grocer - I remember the Sunday before the Riot at Newport, it was the 3rd
November. I know the Prisoner Benjamin Richards perfectly well - On
that Sunday Evening about 8 o'Clock as I was returning from Sirhowy
where I had been for a walk - I met a group of people from fifteen to
twenty opposite the old Rolling Mill - Some were armed with Pikes and
I saw one with a Gun - I saw Benjamin Richards there with those
men - the Prisoner is a Shoemaker - I dont know for certain where he
lives - knowing him to be a Constable I stopped and spoke to
him - I asked him if he know the Chartists were coming - he
said he did - I said the Soldiers are sent for and are expected here
every minute he said we shall be glad to see them, we would
Soldier them - he had a stick similar to those the other men
had, but whether it had a Pike or not I cannot say. the stick
was about seven feet long, and very thick about the size of the
Candlestick it was bigger than a Besom Stick. Daniel Gwynn
and David Davies were with me at that time, they ran away
supposing I was taken - I left Benjamin Richards and ran
after my Companions - I did not know any of the Men that were
with Benjamin Richards, I only noticed him - I am certain it was
Benjamin Richards the Prisoner at the Bar I saw that night it was a
wet and dark night x I saw the Prisoner with a Stick in his hand he
said he would be very glad to see the Soldiers they would Soldier them.
(Signed) Jno: Cullimore Junr

Walter William Homan Sworn - I am Superintendent of Police at Tredegar
I know the Prisoner Benjamin Richards I caused him to be apprehended
- Always considering the Prisoner to be a Constable - I asked him if he
knew the charge on which he was apprehended, he said No! he had done
nothing and no one could charge him with having done anything
he never carried Arms. a man came and called him from his house
and he was bound to go, and that he did not go further than
Stow Hill Newport I asked him no further questions but desired
him to be locked up - I saw the Prisoner on the Thursday previous

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