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me to go there - I thought he looked black at it if I did not
go I thought so I have been there more than once it is
about 4 months since I first went. I have been there about
six times attending the meetings. I have been there more, but
not for that cause I paid some money I paid 18 pence - I p[ai]d 6d. at
a time I paid 6d. 3 times when I paid the first 6d I had a
Card - Mr. Williams the Prisoner gave me that Card I have not
got that card, I paid the money to Mr. Williams I remember
the number upon that Card it was 451 - I throwed it away
after I came home about a fortnight ago they called the
meetings Chartist Meetings the last time I attended those
Meetings was the last Sunday before they started all that was
there the Prisoner started for I saw him on the Mountain, the
must have started I believe it was the 3d. day of this
month I last attended there were many people there we did
meet there at 11 o'Clock in the morning, we met between 1 & 2
again The prisoner was present at the meeting held at 1 or 2
o'Clock that day The Prisoner told us to unite like one body
and he told us, them that dont unite will be the cause of
shedding of blood He told us there would be a large Meeting on
the mountain between 6 and 7 o'Clock on Sunday night, he told us
to bring what we got, some arms, any thing what we could get
he told us we were to bring Guns pikes staffs a good staff
nothing else. I know a Man named John Williams I don't
know where he do live now, he used to live at the Blaina opposite
the Blaina, he was at Zephaniah Williams that day Friday
night was the last time I was at Zephaniah Williams before
the Sunday I saw Zephaniah William on that Friday night,
there were many persons there on Friday night I heard Zephaniah
Williams say to the people just the same that night tells us to
unite I do not remember any thing else he said, he did not tell to do
any thing We did go to the Mountain that was between 6 & 7 o'Clock
on Sunday night, some persons went with us we started from our own house
I took the Gun with me, no one told me, to take Gun Mr. Williams told
us to take all we could catch before then Guns or Pikes or Staffs therefore I
brought it something was said about wives and children. Zephaniah Williams,


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