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about 50 Special Constables to whom I communicated the same information and
requested Mr Frederick Webb to take the direction of the Special Constables at that place
& to become their organ of communication with the Magistrates and I then proceeded to
the Parrot where I found only about 12 Special Constables assembled and as the number
at that house were so small they were withdrawn to the Westgate the whole of the
Special Constables at that house being placed under the direction of Mr Thomas Hawkins
the present Mayor - I remained at the Westgate during the whole of the night & Mr
Brewer was either with me or at the the Kings Head - Before I had gone to the Westgate I
requested Mr Thomas Walker to proceed on horseback towards Risca and remain
there until he should find that the insurgents had approached that place when he
was instructed to return to Newport as fast as he could- In a few hours he returned
to the Westgate wounded and on being lifted off his horse & carried into the house he
was found to have received a very serious incised wound in the Groin.

He said that finding from the reports of guns & other noises the insurgents
were at Risca he galloped back in company with a Servant who had gone with
him - that the[y] passed several parties of men on ^ the road that in one place they were
shot at and at another he received the wound in the Groin from which he was then
suffering - In the course of the evening I wrote a letter to the Mayor of Bristol
describing our situation and requesting that he would send us any troops that
might be spared from that City and I sent that letter by a messenger - In the
course of the night we were informed that the Town Chartists were assembling
on the Marshes a large piece of meadow ground near the Town & a company of
Special Constables being sent out in that direction to ascertain the truth of the report
they returned soon afterwards with a long pike handle which they had taken from a
party of men who the found near the Marshes Turnpike Gate and who made their
escape - Mr Frederick Webb was instructed to keep open the communication between the Kings
Head & the entrances to the Town on that side and Constables were directed to guard the gas
Works & the fire Engine. Our communication between the the Westgate & the Barracks was kept
up during the night by means of Special Constables who were relieved every two hours who
sent out scouts along the roads leading into the town on that side & who during the night
captured many prisoners several of whom where armed some of who were townspeople &
some of whom were colliers from the Hills & they continued to bring in prisoners until the main
body of the Insurgents were at the entrance of the Town. These prisoners were examined by Mr Brewer
& by me some discharged & others remanded into custody and of those persons who were
remanded the most part were sent up to the Barracks but a few remained at the
Westgate when the Attack was made upon it by the Insurgents in

[left margin:]
[lines 5-8] Hawkins - Mayor at the time
[line 11] x


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