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Understanding that the first object of the Insurgents was to - -
surprize and disarm the Troops at the the Barracks I feared to weaken them
in the night by withdrawing any Troops into the Town, but soon
after daylight arrived I wrote a note to Captn Stack stating that I
thought he might then spare us some Troops without danger and
requesting that he would send to the Westgate immediately as many
of the Men under his command as he could detach without endangering
his own position-. In a short time afterwards Lieutenant
Gray appeared in front of the Westgate at the head of 30 men
whom he formed in front of the house. I went out and requested
that he would march them into the yard behind the House and
Ordered the Door of the Yard to be closed. The men were formed
in the yard and I then took Lieutenant Gray into a large
room on the Ground floor of the house forming the South
East Wing of the Building the Windows of which commanded the
area in front of the House and the door of which commanded the
Entrance passages and told Lieutenant Gray that I proposed that
his men should be placed in that Room if he approved of the position.

He said it would do extremely well, but as it had been occupied
during the night by the Special Constables and prisoners
it must be ventilated before the men could be marched
into it. The Windows were accordingly thrown open and the
lower half of the Shutters closed and fastened in which state they remained
after the Troops had marched into the Room, which
they did as soon as it was ventilated-

I conferred with Lieutenant Gray upon the position in which
we were placed and the duties which we might probably be called
upon to perform and he told me that the Men had
loosened their ammunition, but had not loaded and
that as his Detachment consisted principally of young
men who had never been in action and who in
a moment of confusion and noise might possibly
if they had loaded fire without orders
he was disposed not to load whilst he ~
continued in the House unless ~ ~
ordered to act- I told him that he was the
best Judge of what he ought to do in
that respect - and the reasons he gave
for not loading at once were ~~
probably sufficient~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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