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[heading in pencil]

Job Tovey is a Collier and has lived in the
neighbourhood of the Blackwood near 12 years and in his
present Dwelling house in the Blackwood two years, he
inrolled himself a Chartist about 12 years ago at a
Lodge held at the Coach & Horses in Blackwood on Whitmonday
at which Frost and Jones attended and addressed the
Meeting on the subject of the Charter - Tovey was there and
then for the first time saw Frost as he believes - he
afterwards on the 12th August last attended another large
Chartist Meeting at Dukes Town where he saw Price , Frost,
Jones and Zephaniah Williams - Price was in the Chair and
Frost and Jones both addressed the meeting urging those
present to use all their endeavours to obtain the Charter -
About a month previous to the 3rd Novr there was a large
meeting in Blackwood which Frost addressed - he said
he was come to give an account of his conduct as their
Delegate to the convention and to give up his Delegateship
upon which a voice from the crowd said "we will reappoint
you" and Frost then proceeded to ask them if their county
member Mr Williams had given them any account of his conduct
he then told them there would soon be an election and asked
them all to attend him to Monmouth where he would offer
himself and where they would have an election in the old
way of Universal Suffrage - he desired them to organise
themselves into bodies of 10 with a man to look over every
10 and by that means they would have a Charter Parliament
as the Chartists in the North of England & Scotland were going
to adopt that plan - on Wednesday he saw Jones & Zephaniah
Williams - Jones said they must have a meeting every night
that week that they must have a torchlight meeting on the
hills and those that could not bring torches should bring
Candles - very likely the authorities would come to them


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