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to Stow Hill they were to give three cheers which would
so frighten the mayor that he would die in his Bed and
it would produce such an effect on the Soldiers that they
would throw down their arms and he would take possession
of the Town and stop the mail for Birmingham at which
place there would be delegates in waiting who would if
the mail did not get there in an hour and a half
after the usual time consider that as a signal to do the
same as he was going to at Newport and that by that
means the Charter would be made the law of the land
he said they had been fighting long enough for others
and that it was time they should now fight for
themselves, that was said on Saturday morning -
Tovey then stated that in the afternoon of Saturday
his daughter came to his house and told Frost there
was a person without who wanted to see him and
that Frost went out and after remaining out about a
quarter of an hour brought in a Stranger who said
he said he was a Delegate from the North that man
delivered to Frost in Tovey's presence two letters
which Frost read to himself and then put into
the fire - the man a took tea and Frost told him
he must return to Newport and from thence to Monmouth
that night otherwise he would be too late as the mail
would be stopped on Monday and he would not be able
to go on. Frost told the Stranger what they were going
to do and the Stranger said he would go back and tell
the people in his District that Frost had taken Newport
and it was time for them to begin. Frost went out with
that man after Tea and returned again to Tovey's house
between 9 and 10 o'clock and slept at his house. Frost
breakfasted and dined at his house on Sunday and he
heard Frost say that he should send a company of men
to seize the powder magazine and the arms at Tredegar
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