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Page 1:

Pikes against the Door - I was not there two minutes before I was
knocked down - I believe by one of my own party - I lay down till one
of the Officers came to me and told me to lay quiet - I don't know
whether John Frost had a cane or not - I have spoken the truth for
I don't know how soon I shall die - I wish to God I was dead before I
came here - I have been examined before - I should ^ not know the ~
Gentleman - but I know Mr Edwards - the other Gentleman examined
me - I was not promised anything if I would give the evidence - I
was forced out of my house - I might have gone back from the Royal
Oak - before that I was guarded - I might have run away then.
____________________________________The mark X of
__________________________________ Matthew Williams

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[across 2nd fold of page]

of Matthew Williams


[across top right of page /in pencil-]
See Case in minor Prosecution
where Houses broken into

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