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Regina v [blank]

William Williams of Newport in the County of
Monmouth Post Boy to Mr John Church of the
Kings Head Inn in Newport States that

On Sunday the 3rd day of November last
he was sent by Mr Church with a Chaise and
pair to Tredegar Iron Works - Mr Thomas
Jones Phillips of Newport Solicitor was in
the Chaise - I started from Newport about
12 at noon and reached Tredegar
before dark - I stopped at the Rock Inn
Bedwellty and fed my horses - I was there
about an hour - I took Mr Phillips to
the house of Samuel Homfray Esq. - On
my way back I again stopped at
the Rock and fed my Horses - I was
there about an hour - nothing particular
occurred at this House - I saw several
men in the House - and perhaps a dozen
______I knew none of them
outside the House - ^ It was then about
8 o'clock - I left the Rock and proceeded
towards Newport - I drew my Horses up
at the Newbridge Inn and some woman
said to me through the Window - "There's

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no man in the House and that they had
locked the door and gone to Bed - you can't
put your Horses in - the ostler is not here
I proceeded to the Turnpike where I was
informed that an ^ mob was gone on towards
Newport and I would not be in your place
on any account - I proceeded on
about two miles when I saw
about 40 men on the Road - they had
lighted Candles with them - some
of the Candles were
^naked - Some had paper round them
These men were armed - some had pikes
some sticks. They asked me where I was
going - I said to Newport - they then
asked me if there was any one inside
I said no - one of them opened the
door and looked in -and then shut
the door again - I attempted to pass
them but some one in front said you
must keep behind us - you must not
go to Newport before we do - I kept
behind them until I came the Welsh
Oak - They then ordered me to stop
I said move on a bit on a bit further

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