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___________________at this place
as the Horses could not stand ^ without
holding as it was steep - they moved
on one side and I drove the chaise upon
the Tram Road on a flat where the
Horses could stand easy - I remained
upon the box until I was wet through -
______________backwards & forwards
I then got down and walked ^ about ten
yards from the Coach - I saw a great
crowd in front of the door of the Welsh
Oak - It was very dark. I cannot say
whether there were any lights there - I
asked one of the men how long they intended
to keep me there - they said they did not
know themselves - I asked one of them for a
_____________a little
^ Tobacco - which he gave
____ I had a pipe of my own in my pocket
me - ^ I lit my pipe with a bit of paper
from his pipe - I did not go into the house
I had nothing to drink all night - I
should not know any of the men again -
I did not hear any thing said by any of the
men during the night - except that some of
them asked me where I was from and
where I had been and who had I taken
up to Tredegar all of which I told them
About dawn of day the mob left the Welsh
Oak and I then proceeded on - I could
see then that they were armed with Guns
as well as pikes and other weapons -

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I did not hear any directions given - nor that
any one of them acted as leader - I
heard some of them say "its time to march"
or "march on" - After the Mob had
left this place I started for Newport - they
took the Tram Road and I took the
Turnpike Road - I met three or four
men upon the Road between the Welsh
Oak and the High Cross with spears
one I passed had a Gun - They said
to me
^ "Good morning" - and made
Room for me to pass. About a mile
from Stow Turnpike I met Mr Henry
Williams the Ironmonger and Mr Jno
Elsdon on Horseback -
they asked me where I
had come from. I told them from
Tredegar - and informed them of
what had occurred during the night.
I came on down to Newport and met
several Special Constables and told
them also -
_____________________The mark of
____________________William Williams

John Rogers

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