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Page 1:

Wm Williams chaise driver at the
Kings Head - drove Mr. T.J. Phillips up
to Tredegar Iron Works on Sunday
the 3 Novr - Started from Newport
about 12 O'clock - arrived at Tredegar
about 4 O'clock did not see any
bodies of people on his going up
likely to create Alarm - left Tredegar
between 5 & 6 o'clock to return to
Newport - Stopped at the Rock to feed
about an Hour - a person who
Stated he was a Taylor from Rumney
do not Know his name - overtook
a body of chartists 40 or 50 armed
______between Abercarne & Risca
with Pikes & ^ - they asked me were I
was going asked me - I told them to Newport
they asked If I had any pistols in the
Chaise - I told them I had not they opened
the Chaise and searched it they ordered
me to fall back and Keep behind them
which I did until they Came to
a public House call['d] The Welsh Oak
where they detained me told me they would
not hurt me they said they detained

[left margin]
vol 5

Page 2:
me because I should not give information
at Newport - do not Know any person
I sat on box until day light he was
detained at a distance from were he
supposed the leaders were and had
no conversation with them. Started
as soon as day light appeared supposes
it was 6 O'clock - the mob formed
at the Tram Road -they placed his
Chaise at a distance from the public
House on the tram road nr them [?]
as soon as they started a man
Came to him & said you may
go now

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[across 2nd fold]
X ________Newport


Examn _
Henry James
Wm Williams

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[written over previous number- 3... ]

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