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Page 1:

William Henry Williams
of Newport Accountant Will prove That he has
lived in Newport 20 years - has known Mr
Crosfield a Wholesale Ironmonger and Vender
of powder about 15 years - Witness was in -
Partnership with him up to about five years since-
They were very large dealers in in powder having
100 barrels delivered to them at a time at the Warehouse -
The Warehouse was within the Borough of Newport-
I know Mr Crosfield has continued to deal largely in
powder since as a Wholesale Dealer and has
had large quantities in his Warehouse ever since
they were the largest powder Dealers in Newport and
Mr. Crosfield has since continued to be so up to the present
time - We sold thousand of barrels for the Collieries
and the Mines on the Hills - It was our
exclusive Trade and notoriously known to the
Colliers and Miners on the Hills - We used to have
about 100 barrels a Month - a barrel weighs
about 100 lbs.

[at foot of page]

Page 2:
[across 2nd fold]

John Frost

Evidence of
Wm H[enr]y Williams

[In pencil below the heading:-]
Powder at

[at foot of page -]

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