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Page 1:
William Henry Williams of the Parish of Saint
Woollos in the Borough of Newport Accountant (a Special
Constable) States - About 4 in the afternoon of the 4th
November last I received orders from the Magistrates to go
and search for Gunpowder which they had been informed
was secreted in a Hay Rick to the left of Etheridge's house -
I accordingly went accompanied by William Nicholas Morgan
and Edward Hopkins the Police Superintendent - In the
Rick referred to we found no powder but 2 pike heads
with cross pieces of a very dangerous description - Mr
Hopkins took possession of them - I should know
the sort again - After the others had left I went into a
field behind the Turnpike between the Caerleon and
the Chepstow Roads and looked about for powder but
found none - But in a Ditch near a Hay Rick there
I found two pike handles one of which had a socket
for a pike head and the other had a Bayonet fixed
on it - they were about 8 feet long - I took them to the
Westgate - I afterwards took one of the handles to
Monmouth and left it in the court there - In the
last mentioned field I saw a great many foot prints
as if people had been walking about them -
__________________________ Wm. H. Williams

Page 2:
[across 2nd fold of page]
Exam-on of
W.H. Williams


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